So last weekend I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox. Recommendation: GO SEE IT NOW. It is directed by WES ANDERSON and it is his first animated feature. If you do not know who Wes Anderson Is, you are an idiot. He has also created my favorite movie The Darjeeling Limited, and movies like: The Royal Tenenbaums, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Most of his movies are funny with a serious edge, it is the perfect mix. The humor in his movies is always really witty.
Fantastic Mr. Fox is probably the funniest and wittiest to date. The plot is based off a good old Roald Dahl book (remember Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, BFG, James and the Giant Peach, The Twits, and Mitilda.) Mr. Fox, in Fantastic Mr. Fox, is thought to be based off Roald Dahl. So Wes Anderson Stayed at the Dahl House and learned everything about him from his wife.
here is a clip explaining the research
Also the entire movie was in stop motion and everything in it is handmade. Every set in the movie was modeled in miniature form (including scale models of furniture from Dahl's House to furnish Mr. Fox's Tree.) All the dolls were made from adjustable metal skeletal frames with a surface put over it made of actual animal fur, and miniature clothing.
here is a clip explaining all of that
Anyway this style of animation really fit the movie. It was fun, outrageous, and witty. My favorite character was defiantly Ash who is Mr. Fox's Son. If you see the movie you will why I like him so much. Since this movie is one of my top 3 favorite movies, I don't wanna spoil anything for you so I'll leave you with two trailers for the movie.
trailer 1
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