Hey NIKE, lets take a shoe with absolutely no support that was made for basketball players a few decades ago and turn it into a shoe that looks like it could be used for hiking. HOW BOUT NOOOOO. Don't even let the eyelets make you think you will be rocking the blazers on your next hike. I'm sure there are multiple warnings on the box that will tell you not to use these sneakers up a mountain. Here are some reasons why:
1)Blazers are fucking flimsy, even if you thicken them up at the ankles there will still be no support. You would fucking roll your ankle on the trail about 100 yards in and have to get air lifted out because there is no way your walking.
2)What is with the material. FUCKING CROC SKIN. Where is my fucking gore tex. Is it cause you want it to look fashionable nike, CAUSE IT FUCKING LOOKS UGLY.
3)I am 100% certain there are still no arch support on these. This would continue to tear your feet appart on the trail
4) Breathability: These materials look really thick. No sorta ventalation EXCEPT FOR FUCKING HOLES ON THE HEEL THAT DON'T DO SHIT.
5)Fit: Since all the other shit is crappy I'm sure these will not fit like normal hiking boots. instead these badboys will FUCKING CAUSE BLISTERS FROM HELL. YOU WILL NEED 15 PACKS OF MOLE SKIN AND A PRAYER TO YOUR MOMMA THAT YOU CAN WALK THE NEXT DAY.
6) Even if you argue they are cool sneakers THEY LOOK LIKE A TEXTURED CONSTIPATED SHIT. Don't give me this high quality material bullshit, or you need different sneaks for this cold weather bullshit. NO WEATHER WILL PERMIT YOU TO WEAR THIS ATROCITY. IF NICK B ENDS UP GETTING THESE I WILL LOOSE RESPECT FOR HIM FOREVER
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